Friday, May 20, 2011

DubStep Morning!

This song is one of my favorites, everything works together in a way that makes you feel supreme. At least I do! So I hope it rubs off. I had to play this first thing this morning! I love the vocals and the whole concept of the song and arrangement!

The video is amazingl.. Couldn't forget about that. If you have time you should watch it. This song makes me want to take off and start driving for hours maybe Vegas to Indy!


  1. thumbs up, nice song, will put it in my "walks in the mornings" playlist :D

  2. not so very fond of dubstep, but this is ok I guess :)

  3. I really enjoyed it! awesome

  4. Haha I thought the same exact thing when I listened to it. Road Trip!! Great post, keep it up=)

  5. 1:07 is when it becomes interesting.

  6. Awesome, I'm a big fan of dubstep. Thanks :)

  7. Very cool song, not my usual taste in dubstep but I liked this a lot.


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